Complete Dental - Rebecca Young

About Rebecca Young
Rebecca joined the Complete Dental Care team in July 2014. She qualified as a dental therapist with a BSc in Oral Health Science from the University of the Highlands and Islands and since then has worked in a variety of dental practices around Scotland. Rebecca as been specially trained to provide hygiene treatments around teeth and dental implants which is particularly important to ensure your gums stay healthy. Perhaps more importantly she can show you the best techniques to maintain a healthy mouth.
Rebecca is also highly skilled in providing restorative treatments to patients of all ages including NHS fillings and cosmetic white fillings. She particularly enjoys treating anxious patients and children, and her relaxed nature puts everyone at ease.
Rebecca enjoys continuing to develop her skills by attending lectures and hands on courses, and gained a post graduate certificate in Infection Prevention and Control in 2015. Outside of work Rebecca enjoys going to the gym, Munro bagging and spending time with her 3 cats.