Notley Dental Care - Noushad Rahim

About Noushad Rahim
Noushad obtained his degree in Endodontics and Conservative Dentistry from Manipal University (India) in 1998.
He worked for more than 7 years as an Endodontist in the United Arab Emirates and was the course co-oridinator and internal examiner for Clinical Endodontics at Ajman University. He has lectured and conducted hands on courses in Endodontics in the UK and internationally for many General Dental Practitioners.
GNoushad continues to enjoy treating patients in a kind, gentle and reassure manner having developed a growing referral base; his practice at Notley Dental Care is limited to Endodontics
He is a member of the British Endodontic Society and a certified member of the European Endodontic Society.