Victoria Road Dental Practice - James McParlane

About James McParlane
I am originally from the East Midlands, I completed my final 3 years of training at Carlisle Dental Centre, I liked the area and the people so much I decided to stay in the area. During my final year I won the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh UK Dental Skills competition, crowning me the UK’s best clinically skilled undergraduate dentist. I currently work
3 days a week at Victoria Road Dental Practice and 2 days at another practice.
Before graduating from the University of Central Lancashire dental school, I completed a degree in Biomedical Materials Science at the University of Manchester. At the beginning of 2019 I passed both the written and practical examinations to become a Member of The Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh.
I have a keen interest in minimally invasive aesthetic and restorative dentistry, in particular aesthetic fillings, cosmetic bonding and tooth straightening with the clear aligner system, Invisalign. I have furthered my skills in aesthetic dentistry by completing a year long aesthetic restorative dentistry course run by the cosmetic bonding guru Monik Vasant.
Outside of dentistry, I am a keen rugby fan and play at the weekend; in the future I would like to start my refereeing qualification.