West Byfleet Dental & Implant Centre - Jalpesh Patel

About Jalpesh Patel
Dr. Jalpesh Patel graduated with honours and numerous awards from the prestigious King’s College London in 2010. He has since been awarded with membership of the Joint Dental Faculties at the Royal College of Surgeons, England and is currently undertaking his Masters in Aesthetic Dentistry, at King’s College London. This allows him to take on more complex cases (e.g. patients with cosmetic concerns, tooth wear and the prosthetic replacement of missing teeth). Dr. Patel also has a passion for non-surgical facial aesthetics and has completed the illustrious Facial Aesthetics course by Professor Bob Khanna; one of the worlds leaders in this field.
Since then he has routinely provided a number of his patients with Botulinium Toxin (“Botox”) and dermal fillers. To complement this he also has a keen interest in the orthodontic movement of teeth and is a certified Inman Aligner practitioner. Outside dentistry Dr Patel is fond of playing Hockey, keeping fit and spending time with his friends and family.