Dentistry @ 68 - Christopher Thickett

About Christopher Thickett
??Chris graduated from Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry in 2008 and also holds a degree in Biomedical Science. He was awarded the Richard Gorham shield by the Wessex branch of the British Dental Association in 2009.
Since joining Dentistry@68, Chris has become a member of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners, Royal College of Surgeons, England in 2012. He gained a diploma in postgraduate Dental Studies from Bristol University. In 2014, he also completed a postgraduate course in Cosmetic and Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry.
Chris enjoys all aspects of dentistry and is enthusiastic about promoting a preventative approach to dental care and helping patients achieve healthy mouths. He continues to regularly attend dental courses to keep up to date with current practice.
He grew up in Dorset and enjoys swimming and cycling in the area.