Park House Dentistry - Anthony Collins
Anthony  Collins
from 1 reviews
Anthony Collins
GDC Number
70293 View GDC Page
About Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins graduated at the university of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and worked in his own private practice in Johannesburg until he moved to England in 1998. Anthony joined the Bournemouth Park Dental practice in 1999, and along with Susan Iles, took over from outgoing partnership of Iles, Mead and Pearson in 2003. In 2010, Anthony and Sue formed the Park House Practice Ltd. Anthony in particular interested in aesthetic dentistry, and is excited by recent developments in materials which mean that biologically compatible, metal-free restorations are a realistic option. Anthony is a part-time scuba diving instructor, and will often be found blowing bubbles at the weekend.
Latest Reviews
Lovely Southend Dental Practice, I've been coming here for many years, in fact I used to see David when I was a child. And when Anthony and Sue took over things have just continued to improve. Anthony is a lovely, caring and friendly dentist, who I couldn't recommend highly enough!
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